Booking Information

Please take time to read over all the booking information, the terms and conditions and traders FAQ.


  • One standard trestle table (180cm x 90cm) will be provided.
  • Limited rail/print rack spaces are available; please confirm if you would like one. Availability is not guaranteed.
  • Any additional space required must be discussed with Support The Makers.
  • All makers must keep to their allocated space and ensure no tripping hazards are present.


  • An invoice will be sent after your confirmation email.
  • If payment is not received by the date noted on your invoice, your place will be offered to those on the waiting list.

Support the Makers Staff

  • Support The Makers staff will be on-site at all dates to ensure a smooth delivery of the market.

Social Media

  • We will highlight makers joining us on our social media platforms.
  • Makers are REQUIRED to share their attendance on their own social media stories.
  • Makers can use their own images for their own social media or use Support the Makers official image templates. Please follow the instructions and download the provided templates here.

Facebook Events

Makers are required to share the event with their own communities. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share the Facebook events links and our posts.

Please note that if we have not received payment and product photos by the date noted we will offer your place onto those on the waiting list.